Click here for 275 trainee post details skill test admit card download. The sail bokaro admit card 2019 can be downloaded from official website of the sail in. In order to download the sail admit card for oct trainee, boiler and. Candidates who are successfully applied for sail bokaro steel plant exam 2020 can download their exam admit card from the direct official. Sail bokaro admit card 2019 trainee oct, act exam hall. Bokaro steel plant, one of the modernised integrated steel plants of sail employing a motivated workforce of around 12,249 employees is producer of hr coilssheetsplates, cr coils sheets, gp sheetscoils. Sail bokaro result 2019 check technician ott, att cut. The sail burnpur octt exam date 2019 will be scheduled soon. The aspirants can check and download the sail bokaro technician admit card. Carefully read the admit card instructions to be followed in the examination hall. Officials will not send admit card s through post, bokaro steel plant admit card 2019 can only be download from official portal of sail bokaro. Sail, bokaro steel plant admit card 2019 download here. Steel authority of india limited sail, bokaro steel plant has issued a recruitment notification for filling up 302 operatorcumtechnician vacancies.
The applicants may download their admit card from an official website 1012. The steel authority of india limited, burnpur steel plant was formed in 1965. Here is the good news for the candidates who are searching for sail bokaro admit card 2019. Sail bokaro steel plant recruitment 2019 275 sail oct. Hence, click on the main link below provided here and download live online bokaro steel plant octtactt exam admit card 2019. Sail bokaro octt admit card 2020, operatorcumtechnician. All candidates need sail act, oct admit card 2020to attend the exam on the scheduled exam date. Sail bokaro steel plant admit card 2020 expected to release. Jharkhand sail bokaro steel plant technician cut off marks 2020.
Applicants who have registered for the sail bokaro steel plant technician recruitment 2019 can only download the hall tickets from the official site. It was consolidated as a constrained organization in 1964. Bhilai steel plant bokaro steel plant durgapur steel plant rourkela steel plant. Sail bokaro octt actt exam date 2020, hall ticket date. Sail bokara steel plant has issued recruitment notification, and now the authority is going to exposed the call letter on its main. How to download sail bokaro technician hall ticket 202021. Candidates those who have attended the sail oct trainee exam can download sail bokaro result from here. Sail bokaro steel plant has issued a latest notification for advt. Candidates can download sail, bokaro steel plant oct admit card from our website. Sail bokaro admit card 2020 technician exam date sarkari result sail steel authority of india limited has released the admit card for examination of operatorcumtechnician trainee operatorcumtechnicianboiler operatorcumtechnicianaitt. Sail bokaro oct admit card 2019 actt exam date hall ticket. To get settled in these jobs, the candidates have to attend the exam on the sail bokaro. Download sail bokaro steel plant oct act trainee notification 2019. Sail bokaro steel plant has released admit card for the 275 attendant cum technician, junior manager posts.
Steel authority of india limited sail, bokaro steel plant has released admit card for the post of 275 operatorcumtechnician trainee, operatorcumtechnician boiler, attendantcumtechnician trainee, attendantcumtechnician trainee iti. To attend the exam, sail bokaro steel plant admit card 2019 is very essential. Sail bokaro steel plant released the notification for the post of operator trainee, technician trainee. Sail, bokaro steel plant attendant cum technician trainee skill test admit card download post date. So, the candidates who are applied for these posts can check the exam dates and download this sail bokaro steel plant technician hall ticket from the main page.
Information available on sail bokaro steel plant oct, act hall ticket 2020. Download bokaro steel plant hall ticket 2020 details. Sail authority of india limited, bokaro steel plant sail bokaro has published a recruitment notification bslr201902 on 29012019. Expected date of written exam for act and oct posts in bokaro steel authority of india limited sail plant has been discussed below. You can check the sail bokaro operatorcumtechnician exam results 2019. If you are looking for sail bokaro steel plant admit card 2020 then you are on the right webpage to get the hall ticket online for operatorcumtechnician trainee, operatorcumtechnician boiler examination. Sail bokaro steel plant skill test admit card 2019. Steel authority of india limited sail, bokaro steel plant will be issued admit card for operator cum technician trainee written exam on will announce soon. Candidates who had registered for sail bokaro octt recruitment 2014, they can be download their admit card through online from sail official website. Sail bokaro steel plant recruitment 2019 apply online for 463. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Sail bokaro steel plant admit card 2020 act, oct exam.
Sail burnpur admit card 2020 soon act oct burnpur isp. Participants who applied for 147 operatorcumtechnician, attendant cum technician posts must get ready with the particulars required for login. Continue reading this page for full information regarding sail bokaro technician admit card 2019. The sail bokaro steel plant technician admit card is about to release now. Sail bokaro has invited candidates for the recruitment of 463 posts. So we advise you to download the sail bokaro steel plant hall ticket. If you have already filled up the sail burnpur admit card 2020 online. Candidates need to download their individual sail bokaro act oct admit card 2020 for the written test. This exam admit card is available in official site.
Sail bokaro admit card 2020 technician exam hall ticket. Sail technician admit card 2020 out bsp oct, act exam date. Sail bokaro steel plant technician result 2020, sail. Sail bokaro admit card 2020, technician exam hall ticket.
Sail burnpur recruitment 2020 notification released for iisco steel plant oct act 156 vacancies to apply online application at here in. Sail burnpur admit card 2020 soon act oct burnpur isp exam. Steel authority of india ltd is the largest steel producer in india with the widest range of steel products. The final date for closing of application ended on 18th february. Check the direct link on this page below to download sail bokaro steel plant hall ticket 2020. The aforementioned shortlisted candidates may download their sail bokaro call letter for skill test trade test along with the skill test trade test particulars form and formats for other applicable certificates undertaking, from sail website in from 22082019 onwards till the completion of the skill. This year it has released notification for oct trainee posts and the candidates who had applied can download the admit cards from the official website. The general information imparted in sail octt admit card 2019 is given below. Sail result 2019 check sail bokaro steel plant result, technician ott, att cut off, merit list. Candidates of sail can apply for this post before last date. If you have successfully participated in the sail bokaro steel plant written examination 2019.
Hopefuls are you sitting tight to download the sail bokaro trainee hall ticket then you can do the essential thing which is getting the best experience of our website and afterward accumulate the connections to download the online admit card from this article. Sail bokaro act oct admit card 2020 download written exam. Sail bokaro steel plant admit card 2020 act, oct exam date. Sail burnpur admit card 2019 download iisco steel plant. Sail bokaro steel plant recruitment 2019 apply online. Written test will be conducted for the recruitment of total 126 posts. Sail is a maharatna company and a leading steel making company in india. For all the candidates about this iisco steel plant admit card, we are going to give the one happier news for them, this is nothing but to get the sail career burnpur admit card now this is the very simple process and we have linked up all the details on this burnpur sail hall ticket 2019 here. Below are the admit cards published by sail sail steel authority of india limited the recent admit card issued for the recruitment drive is mo mo ohs medical specialist admit card 2019.
Aspirants who all have finished with their download procedure of sail bokaro steel plant technician result 2020 can soon check for the exam scores. Sail bokaro oct answer key 2019 act answer sheet pdf. Sail bokaro admit card 2019 out check oct, act exam date. Sail technician admit card 2020 out download bsp oct, act exam date. Iisco sail burnpur act oct admit card is expected in february 2020. Download sail bokaro steel plant oct trainee admit card 2016. However, the selection committee of sail bokaro steel plant activates the sail operator cum technician hall ticket download link. Here you will get the complete information about sail bokaro operatorattendantcumtechniciantrainee recruitment online application form. Steel authority of india limited sail, bokaro steel plant released admit cards for oct trainee posts. Sail technician admit card 2019 download steel plant. Steel authority of india limited will soon issue sail bokaro admit card 2020 for written exam of operator cum technician and attendant cum technician on main portal site at. Our team has shared the full information regarding sail bokaro steel plant recruitment 2019 notification for the guidance purpose.
The admit cards are going to be issued only to the candidates who successfully applied for sail bokaro steel plant recruitment exam. Sail bokaro admit card 2020 sail bokaro exam date octact. Sail bokaro steel plant exam is postponed due to covid19. Bslr201902 download call letter for trade test skill test for the post of operatorcumtechnician boiler, attendant cum technician trainee, attendant cum technician trainee vacancy at 275 posts. Sail bokaro admit card download 2019 bokaro sail octt. Steel plant authority of india limited is going to issue the sail. Sail bokaro steel plant admit card 2020 technician exam date. It is the fourth incorporated open area steel plant in india worked with soviet offer assistance.
Sail bokaro steel plant admit card 20202 sail bokaro. Bokaro steel plant job 2019 apply online for 302 technician vacancies in sail. Sail bokaro admit card 2019 download sail oct exam admit. Way back before three months in october 2019, online registration process for application against 473 vacancies has been completed. Sail bokaro admit card 2019 download sail exam call letter bokaro steel plant bsp is situated in the bokaro locale of jharkhand. Jharkhand steel authority of india bokaro plant technician call letter 2019. The steel authority of india sail in bhilai steel plant bsp has officially released the technician, oct, act, mining foreman and other posts hall ticket and exam date in official website. Sail burnpur recruitment 2020 iisco steel plant oct act. Those candidates who are going to appear for sail bokaro steel plant technician exam on january 2019 so, candidates you all have to download your sail bokaro steel plant technician e admit card through the official site of sail bokaro steel plant, jharkhand which means no hard copy of sail bokaro steel plant technician hall ticket will. Bokaro steel plant is one of the modernized integrated steel plants of. Sail bokaro steel plant technician admit card 2019.
Steel authority of india limited sail bokaro steel plant admit card 2019 released direct link available here to download your technician trainee admit card pdf here. Continue reading this article to know more about sail admit card 2020. The notification is for recruitment of operatorattendantcumtechniciantrainee. Aspirants who are going to participate in the sail bokaro steel plant examination, they can check the sail bokaro steel plant hall ticket 2020 details from this page. You might be eager to know the sail bokaro results 2019. Steel authority of india limited, bokaro will release the oct act admit card 2019 in the month of april 2019. Sail bokaro octt admit card 2020, operatorcumtechnician, attendant cum technician hall ticket, exam date, call letter, permission letter is now available to download at in. Sail shall invite the application on or before the last date and also submit the application in online mode will be accepted.
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